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Thursday, March 22, 2018


I worked today from 8:00 till 4:30 and I just got home, changed clothes and had a bite to eat and checked into Facebook. There was a delightful picture that my granddaughter had posted of two of her boys in a grocery cart and her comment was that she was thankful that they were well behaved and even helpful. She ended the post with "in everything give thanks" from the Bible.
Many years ago I was part of a prayer meeting with a group of about a dozen ladies and the leader handed out pencils and paper and gave instructions. We were to pray only prayers of thanksgiving, absolutely no requests, and the paper was to be used to make our lists of things we were grateful for. It was a marvelous exercise because much of my prayers had to do with needs as asking my Heavenly Father to meet them.
My list grew as I gave my blessings more thought. I was breathing and able to walk and see and hear.I had a wonderful husband who had a job and wonderful children. I had a home and heat and food in the pantry and the faucets worked giving hot and cold water. I had a car and gas in the car and was able to get around. I lived in America. I had clothes in the closet and shoes. I had friends and books and music. I had a Savior and a home in heaven He was preparing for me.
My paper was filling up and my heart was growing more and more grateful.
So, I want to challenge each of you to go and get a paper and pen and take time to make your list. You can leave the paper out and add to it as things enter your mind and then remember to take a good look at it regularly. Tell me if it makes a difference in your life

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