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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Wanting to be accurate, I looked up 'hang-up' in my Thesaurus and found some definitions. It could mean a fixed idea or a preoccupation, a small difficulty or something that hinders progress. So, today I am going with a preoccupation. I have been preoccupied with my book, "The Treasure is the Trip" since I started the publishing process way back last August. After my first contact with WestBow Press and they accepted my manuscript, I would sit at my computer waiting for the next step. The editors had to edit and I had to approve and I would sit and wait. Then, there was the cover and my first submission didn't have enough pixels, so I had to begin the process over again and submit and wait for these editors to approve and send to me again, for my input. By now, five months had crept  by and Christmas was past and finally it was sent to the printer. Well, my idea of Christmas presents to my loved ones had become a figment of an idea. My book was sent to the printer on January 11.

But that was only the first leg of the process. I really had NO idea what would happen to my little book after it was published. I guess I thought once it was out there that it would just automatically sell, that everyone would be interested and want a copy. Well, not everybody, but some.
Come to find out, there is some major work I have to do, because there are thousands of new books being published every day and one little book by an unknown author is easily lost in the crowd. So, now I sit at my computer and log on to Facebook and Twitter and my blog and try to contact as many people as I can to get the word out. Would you say that I have a 'hang-up'?

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