So many times I have used the expression 'its for the birds' and didn't know where it came from or really what it means. Come to find out, it means trivial, insignificant, something useless that could be trodden under foot. Birds can still find seed trodden under foot and it can become food for them. There are so many birds in our world that we consider them insignificant. They just fly around so carefree and sometimes line up on telephone lines and chirp to each other in a language we can't understand, but they are rather insignificant to us.
God says that He knows when a sparrow, one of the smallest birds, falls and He feeds the birds though they don't sow or reap or store. I don't know where birds are on God's list of priorities, but He provides for them and knows when even one of them fall.
But, God says that we are far more valuable than birds and that He knows how many hairs are on our head at even given moment. I don't know about you, but I can see hairs flying away every time I brush my hair. It would be hard for me even to count the hairs on my brush, yet God knows my head count all the time. He was saying - look at the birds and trust that you are far more valuable to Me than they are and I am watching and taking care of YOU.
When birds come into view it reminds me that God is watching over me and loves me and is busy taking care of me. Bird watching can benefit your soul, don't you think?
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