This is about prayer. There is a story about a religious man who went to a temple to pray and it is said, specifically, that he prayed 'to himself'. Out loud he stated that he tithed and obeyed all the laws of his religion. He was proud of himself and tho he was in the right place, was his attitude right? Now, I know God heard him for God hears everything, even our thoughts, but did God listen? There are some principals regarding prayer. God is under no obligation to listen to us except if we are His child.
There were several children in our neighborhood while my children were growing up. Sometimes they had needs, like being hungry or hurt or dirty. I had no obligation to provide a sandwich or a band-aide or a soapy wash cloth. I might have out of the goodness of my heart, and God does that sometime,too, but I was not the responsible party. If my own child had these needs, I was under obligation to provide. It is this principal at work with prayer. God is obligated to listen to His children. He is also obligated to discipline and counsel and direct them. If you are a child of God you can always approach your Heavenly Father about anything, with the right attitude, and count, not only on Him listening, but always answering with the very best at the very best time in the very best way, because He is the best parent in the whole universe.
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