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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

So, you made a mistake

In the eleventh grade, I had a great English teacher. She told us that when we were writing a letter or a paper, and it was usually in ink, and we began writing the first letter of a word and it was the wrong word to use, that we were not to panic. There were many words that began with that letter and would just fit our thought and could be used. It is true. The English language has a bounty of words.

We make mistakes every day, some of them serious and no eraser or white-out can correct them. It just proves that we are all flawed, we are not perfect. That word 'perfect' in Scripture means complete. When we took our first breath after the umbilical cord was cut, we had physical life, but something was missing from us. Our spirit was incomplete, we were disconnected from God. We can blame Adam for that. God had said that he would die if he ate the fruit of the one tree, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and die he did. He kept his physical life and his soul was alive and still kicking, but the connection to God spiritually was broken irrevocably and all his progeny would be born in that state - separated from God.

Every time you wish you had an eraser should remind you that you are not perfect and be thankful that Jesus came in order to give us the connection to God. His sacrificial death satisfied justice and He offers all of us Spiritual Life to make us perfect, complete. He said,  "You must be born, again." He said, "I have come that you might have LIFE and have it abundantly." He said, "He who has the SON has life and he who does not have the SON does not have life." Jesus is the connection back to God.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have Eternal Life." John 3:16

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