My sister is an artist. She can take a blank sheet of paper or a white canvas and with pen and ink or brush and paint create a scene that you might want to take a step into. Words have the capacity to do that, also. You see the words 'crimson robe' and you have seen that color before and you know what a robe is, so in your minds eye, you can see it.You read the words 'crown of thorns' and you can envision thorny branches woven to make a crown-like thing. The words 'cat-o-nine-tails' cause you to see a whip with bits of metal tied to the ends. When I say 'nails' you know they are used to hang things up.
Animals have their own languages to communicate and a woof or a meow or a chirp says something to another dog or cat or bird, but humans were given the ability to understand words. We can use our imagination a create the picture of what a whip would do to a man's back. We can even imagine the pain inflicted by nails hammered into one's hand because we have probably stuck a pin in our finger at one time or another and remember how it felt, but one thing we can't imagine is 'becoming sin' and the agony of that for a sinless one, for we all started out that way - sinners. Being a sinner doesn't seem so awful, comparatively speaking, as we compare ourselves with other humans.
We can't imagine absolute purity or perfection in a human, so we cannot imagine how disgusting a sinner is, comparatively speaking. So, try to imagine the perfect one becoming sin, absorbing all the sin of every human being, all the horrid, awful, nasty acts and thoughts and words. Our imaginations cannot take us there fully. We just have to accept it because that is exactly what Jesus did on the cross He was nailed to. With His stripes we are healed. With His death we are made perfect. When we see that 'without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin' and take it personally, we are, in God's estimation - perfect. Imagine that!
HAPPY EASTER, dear ones.
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