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Friday, March 16, 2018

The meaning of EASTER

There are many connections to the word 'easter'. Some authorities claim it to have a connection with ancient words having to do with the dawn or coming from the east, while others connect it to the celebration of a pagan goddess that occurred in the spring about the time of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
Resurrection Sunday is actually the best term that should be used for this term describes what happened and why a celebration is appropriate. But, why is the resurrection important?
If the payment Jesus was making for sin by His death had not been adequate, He would not have been able to rise from death. If there were just one sin that had not been paid for, He would still be in the grave. He totally satisfied justice for all mankind from Adam to the last person that would ever be born. He paid for all sin, for Hitler's, for Judas's, Ivan the Terrible's, for your's, for mine. Every sinful thought, word and deed were paid for. So, sin is no longer the problem. All sin has been taken care of, but for one.
That one is a very big one. It is the sin of unbelief. If I had a very extraordinary gift for you and let you know it was waiting for you to claim it, to receive it and you disregarded my invitation, maybe because you didn't believe me or had more important things to do, that gift would not be yours. It would be wasted just because you didn't claim it.
There is the gift of full forgiveness and eternal life waiting to be received with your name on it. Will it be wasted?
John 3:16

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